Premium Washed Robusta Kaapi Royale

Indian washed Robusta has none of the rubbery aftertaste one normally associates with lower-grade Robusta.  As a result, Indian washed Robusta play an integral role in most Italian- and European-style espresso blends. (To learn more about Blending for Espresso, review some of the articles we’ve published on the subject.)

This grade consists of 17-screen beans obtained by re-grading and resorting washed Robusta Parchment-AB. The Kaapi Royale grade does not tolerate any defects.

Often the Parchment-AB and Kaapi Royale are obtained from the same bulk. The Kaapi Royale roasts much more uniformly than the Parchment-AB. When aged, these beans soften and mellow further. This coffee is packaged in 132-pound bags.


SAMPLES:  We encourage Wholesale Roasters and Roaster/Retailers to start with a half pound sample. Visit our Green Coffee Samples page for more details.