Washed Robusta Parchment-AB

Indian washed Robusta has none of the rubbery aftertaste one normally associates with lower-grade Robusta.  As a result, Indian washed Robusta play an integral role in most Italian- and European-style espresso blends. (To learn more about Blending for Espresso, review some of the articles we’ve published on the subject).

Parchment AB Grade consists of 16+ screen beans. The new crops exhibit a grassy green taste that is easily overcome by roasting slightly darker than full city. When aged, these beans soften and mellow remarkably well. This coffee is packed in 132-pound bags.

We typically source our Parchment-AB from the same farms that supply us with Kaapi Royale.  Both beans are grown, harvested, and processed together. Separation first occurs shortly before export at the dry mill (or “curing works” to use the Indian term) when size sorting splits the washed Robusta bulk lot into separate Kaapi Royale and Parchment-AB lots.

SAMPLES:  We encourage Wholesale Roasters and Roaster/Retailers to start with a half pound sample. Visit our Green Coffee Samples page for more details.